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Sarah F Empty Sarah F

Post by Diane Thu 01 Apr 2010, 9:04 pm

Sarah F www.tagged.com/profile.html?uid=5421553710

Sarah F 80090539BwK

Last Active: 7 hours ago
Profile Views: 1482 times
Profile Skin: Default
Tagline: Hi
Member Since: Jun 13, 2009
Gender: Female
Location: Accra, Ghana
Age: 25
Relationship Status: Single
Interested In: Friends, Dating, Serious Relationship, Networking
Ethnicity: Black/African
Religion: Catholic
Orientation: Straight


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Age : 63
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Post by Diane Thu 01 Apr 2010, 9:05 pm

am Sarah a single person here who is looking for friends but also looking for the man of my life but want friends first to see build trust and truth.I am a lady with passion,love and integrity who is calm and always smiling and have waited a for a long time and now looking.anyway i just pass by to say hi and asked whether we can be friends and maybe have a nice chat maybe on yahoo or msn.have a great time and will be glad to hear from you soon.


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Sarah F Empty Re: Sarah F

Post by smeredith09 Fri 02 Apr 2010, 2:25 pm



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